NSW Trains Wiki

The Ropes Creek line is a disused branch line, branching off the Main West line at St Marys and running north to Ropes Creek. It was originally built to transport munitions and workers during the second world war, and was primarily used for freight throughout its life. However passenger services were available, facilitated by 'Red Rattlers' suburban sets.


From south to north:

  • St Marys
    • Private branch to a siding at St Marys Munitions Works
  • Dunheved
  • Cochrane
  • Ropes Creek


The line was opened on 1 March 1942 serve defence property during the war. It closed on 22 March 1986.

All the overhead wiring has been removed, with all track lifted apart from a kilometre of double track at the St Marys end. This section was once used for track machine storage, however it is now part of the Pacific National St Marys freight terminal, which opened in December 2021. Dunheved station still survives to this day, with a footbridge over the former station and traces of the platform remaining. Cochrane has been built over by the Ropes Crossing housing development, however Ropes Creek station has been restored and is open to the public as a park.
