NSW Trains Wiki
NSW Trains Wiki
For an overview of the Sydney Trains/NSW TrainLink fleets, see: Sydney Trains fleet or NSW TrainLink fleet.
Set Consist Builder Maintenance Depot Notes
B1 D1101 - N1701 - N1901 - T1301 - T1401 - N1801 - N1601 - D1201 Downer/CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles (China) Auburn
B2 D1102 - N1702 - N1902 - T1302 - T1402 - N1802 - N1602 - D1202 First B Set to enter service.
B3 D1103 - N1703 - N1903 - T1303 - T1403 - N1803 - N1603 - D1203
B4 D1104 - N1704 - N1904 - T1304 - T1404 - N1804 - N1604 - D1204
B5 D1105 - N1705 - N1905 - T1305 - T1405 - N1805 - N1605 - D1205
B6 D1106 - N1706 - N1906 - T1306 - T1406 - N1806 - N1606 - D1206
B7 D1107 - N1707 - N1907 - T1307 - T1407 - N1807 - N1607 - D1207 Inactive set. Currently at Cardiff awaiting repairs
B8 D1108 - N1708 - N1908 - T1308 - T1408 - N1808 - N1608 - D1208
B9 D1109 - N1709 - N1909 - T1309 - T1409 - N1809 - N1609 - D1209
B10 D1110 - N1710 - N1910 - T1310 - T1410 - N1810 - N1610 - D1210
B11 D1111 - N1711 - N1911 - T1311 - T1411 - N1811 - N1611 - D1211
B12 D1112 - N1712 - N1907 - T1312 - T1412 - N1812 - N1612 - D1212 N1907 replacing N1912 for unknown reasons
B13 D1113 - N1713 - N1913 - T1313 - T1413 - N1813 - N1613 - D1213
B14 D1114 - N1714 - N1914 - T1314 - T1414 - N1814 - N1614 - D1214
B15 D1115 - N1715 - N1915 - T1315 - T1415 - N1815 - N1615 - D1215
B16 D1116 - N1716 - N1916 - T1316 - T1416 - N1816 - N1616 - D1216
B17 D1117 - N1717 - N1917 - T1317 - T1417 - N1817 - N1617 - D1217
B18 D1118 - N1718 - N1918 - T1318 - T1418 - N1818 - N1618 - D1218
B19 D1119 - N1719 - N1919 - T1319 - T1419 - N1819 - N1619 - D1219 Ran “Alec's Express” by Make-A-Wish Australia on the 22nd September 2019
B20 D1120 - N1720 - N1920 - T1320 - T1420 - N1820 - N1620 - D1220
B21 D1121 - N1721 - N1921 - T1321 - T1421 - N1821 - N1621 - D1221
B22 D1122 - N1722 - N1922 - T1322 - T1422 - N1822 - N1622 - D1222
B23 D1123 - N1723 - N1923 - T1323 - T1423 - N1823 - N1623 - D1223
B24 D1124 - N1724 - N1924 - T1324 - T1424 - N1824 - N1624 - D1224 Ran with F1 and S28 + S56 in the “Three Generations Run” on 21 July 2019.
B25 D1125 - N1725 - N1925 - T1325 - T1425 - N1825 - N1625 - D1225 First of the second batch of Waratah Series 2 sets.
B26 D1126 - N1726 - N1926 - T1326 - T1426 - N1826 - N1626 - D1226
B27 D1127 - N1727 - N1927 - T1327 - T1427 - N1827 - N1627 - D1227
B28 D1128 - N1728 - N1928 - T1328 - T1428 - N1828 - N1628 - D1228
B29 D1129 - N1729 - N1929 - T1329 - T1429 - N1829 - N1629 - D1229
B30 D1130 - N1730 - N1930 - T1330 - T1430 - N1830 - N1630 - D1230
B31 D1131 - N1731 - N1931 - T1331 - T1431 - N1831 - N1631 - D1231
B32 D1132 - N1732 - N1932 - T1332 - T1432 - N1832 - N1632 - D1232
B33 D1133 - N1733 - N1933 - T1333 - T1433 - N1833 - N1633 - D1233
B34 D1134 - N1734 - N1934 - T1334 - T1434 - N1834 - N1634 - D1234
B35 D1135 - N1735 - N1935 - T1335 - T1435 - N1835 - N1635 - D1235
B36 D1136 - N1736 - N1936 - T1336 - T1436 - N1836 - N1636 - D1236
B37 D1137 - N1737 - N1937 - T1337 - T1437 - N1837 - N1637 - D1237
B38 D1138 - N1738 - N1938 - T1338 - T1438 - N1838 - N1638 - D1238
B39 D1139 - N1739 - N1939 - T1339 - T1439 - N1839 - N1639 - D1239
B40 D1140 - N1740 - N1940 - T1340 - T1440 - N1840 - N1640 - D1240
B41 D1141 - N1741 - N1941 - T1341 - T1441 - N1841 - N1641 - D1241 Currently the newest train in revenue service in the Sydney Trains/NSW Trainlink fleet.
A1 D6301 - N5301 - N5501 - T6501 - T6601 - N5601 - N5401 - D6401 Downer EDI/CNR Changchun Railway Vehicles (China)
A3 D6303 - N5303 - N5503 - T6503 - T6603 - N5603 - N5403 - D6403 First A Set to enter service
A4 D6304 - N5304 - N5504 - T6504 - T6604 - N5604 - N5404 - D6404
A5 D6305 - N5305 - N5505 - T6505 - T6605 - N5605 - N5405 - D6405
A6 D6306 - N5306 - N5506 - T6506 - T6606 - N5606 - N5406 - D6406
A7 D6307 - N5307 - N5507 - T6507 - T6607 - N5607 - N5407 - D6407
A8 D6308 - N5308 - N5508 - T6508 - T6608 - N5608 - N5408 - D6408 Set involved in explosion of traction inverter at Burwood in March 2017
A9 D6309 - N5309 - N5509 - T6509 - T6609 - N5609 - N5409 - D6409
A10 D6310 - N5310 - N5510 - T6510 - T6610 - N5610 - N5410 - D6410
A11 D6311 - N5311 - N5511 - T6511 - T6611 - N5611 - N5411 - D6411
A12 D6312 - N5312 - N5512 - T6512 - T6612 - N5612 - N5412 - D6412 Set involved in 2025 Clarendon derailment
A13 D6813 - N5313 - N5513 - T6513 - T6613 - N5613 - N5413 - D6413 First A Set to use Sydney Trains "hop" logo
A14 D6314 - N5314 - N5514 - T6514 - T6614 - N5614 - N5414 - D6414
A15 D6315 - N5315 - N5515 - T6515 - T6615 - N5615 - N5415 - D6342 D6342 replacing D6415 due to January 2024 level crossing colission with a trailer at Vineyard.
A16 D6316 - N5316 - N5516 - T6516 - T6616 - N5616 - N5416 - D6416
A17 D6317 - N5317 - N5517 - T6517 - T6617 - N5617 - N5417 - D6417
A18 D6318 - N5318 - N5518 - T6518 - T6618 - N5618 - N5418 - D6418
A19 D6319 - N5319 - N5519 - T6519 - T6619 - N5619 - N5419 - D6419 Set involved in 2015 incident where it was driven in the wrong direction at Mt Druitt
A20 D6320 - N5320 - N5520 - T6520 - T6620 - N5620 - N5420 - D6420
A21 D6321 - N5321 - N5521 - T6521 - T6621 - N5621 - N5421 - D6421
A22 D6322 - N5322 - N5522 - T6522 - T6622 - N5622 - N5422 - D6422 Set involved in 2014 Mulgrave derailment
A23 D6323 - N5323 - N5523 - T6523 - T6623 - N5623 - N5423 - D6423
A24 D6324 - N5324 - N5524 - T6524 - T6624 - N5624 - N5424 - D6424
A25 D6325 - N5325 - N5525 - T6525 - T6625 - N5625 - N5425 - D6425
A26 D6326 - N5326 - N5526 - T6526 - T6626 - N5626 - N5426 - D6426
A27 D6327 - N5327 - N5527 - T6527 - T6627 - N5627 - N5427 - D6427
A28 D6328 - N5328 - N5528 - T6528 - T6628 - N5628 - N5428 - D6428
A29 D6329 - N5329 - N5529 - T6529 - T6629 - N5629 - N5429 - D6429 Set involved in 2014 Bardwell Park flooding incident
A30 D6330 - N5330 - N5530 - T6530 - T6630 - N5630 - N5430 - D6430
A31 D6331 - N5331 - N5531 - T6531 - T6631 - N5631 - N5431 - D6431
A32 D6332 - N5332 - N5532 - T6532 - T6632 - N5632 - N5432 - D6432
A33 D6333 - N5333 - N5533 - T6533 - T6633 - N5633 - N5433 - D6433
A34 D6334 - N5334 - N5534 - T6534 - T6634 - N5634 - N5434 - D6434
A35 D6335 - N5335 - N5535 - T6535 - T6635 - N5635 - N5435 - D6435
A36 D6336 - N5336 - N5536 - T6536 - T6636 - N5636 - N5436 - D6436
A37 D6337 - N5337 - N5537 - T6537 - T6637 - N5637 - N5437 - D6437
A38 D6338 - N5338 - N5538 - T6538 - T6638 - N5638 - N5438 - D6438
A39 D6339 - N5339 - N5539 - T6539 - T6639 - N5639 - N5439 - D6439
A40 D6340 - N5340 - N5540 - T6540 - T6640 - N5640 - N5440 - D6440
A41 D6341 - N5341 - N5541 - T6541 - T6641 - N5641 - N5441 - D6441
A42 D6379 - N5342 - N5542 - T6542 - T6642 - N5642 - N5442 - D6442 D6379 replaced D6342 following January 2018 crash at Richmond
A43 D6343 - N5343 - N5543 - T6543 - T6643 - N5643 - N5443 - D6443
A44 D6344 - N5344 - N5544 - T6544 - T6644 - N5644 - N5444 - D6444
A45 D6345 - N5345 - N5545 - T6545 - T6645 - N5645 - N5445 - D6445
A46 D6346 - N5346 - N5546 - T6546 - T6646 - N5646 - N5446 - D6446
A47 D6347 - N5347 - N5547 - T6547 - T6647 - N5647 - N5447 - D6447
A48 D6348 - N5348 - N5548 - T6548 - T6648 - N5648 - N5448 - D6448
A49 D6349 - N5349 - N5549 - T6549 - T6649 - N5649 - N5449 - D6449
A50 D6350 - N5350 - N5550 - T6550 - T6650 - N5650 - N5450 - D6450
A51 D6351 - N5351 - N5551 - T6551 - T6651 - N5651 - N5451 - D6451
A52 D6352 - N5352 - N5552 - T6552 - T6652 - N5652 - N5452 - D6452
A53 D6353 - N5353 - N5553 - T6553 - T6653 - N5653 - N5453 - D6453
A54 D6354 - N5354 - N5554 - T6554 - T6654 - N5654 - N5454 - D6454
A55 D6355 - N5355 - N5555 - T6555 - T6655 - N5655 - N5455 - D6455
A56 D6356 - N5356 - N5556 - T6556 - T6656 - N5656 - N5456 - D6456
A57 D6357 - N5357 - N5557 - T6557 - T6657 - N5657 - N5457 - D6457
A58 D6358 - N5358 - N5558 - T6558 - T6658 - N5658 - N5458 - D6458
A59 D6359 - N5359 - N5559 - T6559 - T6659 - N5659 - N5459 - D6459
A60 D6360 - N5360 - N5560 - T6560 - T6660 - N5660 - N5460 - D6460
A61 D6361 - N5361 - N5561 - T6561 - T6661 - N5661 - N5461 - D6461
A62 D6362 - N5362 - N5562 - T6562 - T6662 - N5662 - N5462 - D6462
A63 D6363 - N5363 - N5563 - T6563 - T6663 - N5663 - N5463 - D6463
A64 D6364 - N5364 - N5564 - T6564 - T6664 - N5664 - N5464 - D6464
A65 D6365 - N5365 - N5565 - T6565 - T6665 - N5665 - N5465 - D6465
A66 D6366 - N5366 - N5566 - T6566 - T6666 - N5666 - N5466 - D6466
A67 D6367 - N5367 - N5567 - T6567 - T6667 - N5667 - N5467 - D6467
A68 D6368 - N5368 - N5568 - T6568 - T6668 - N5668 - N5468 - D6468
A69 D6369 - N5369 - N5569 - T6569 - T6669 - N5669 - N5469 - D6469
A70 D6370 - N5370 - N5570 - T6570 - T6670 - N5670 - N5470 - D6470
A71 D6371 - N5371 - N5571 - T6571 - T6671 - N5671 - N5471 - D6471
A72 D6372 - N5372 - N5572 - T6572 - T6672 - N5672 - N5472 - D6472
A73 D6373 - N5373 - N5573 - T6573 - T6673 - N5673 - N5473 - D6473
A74 D6374 - N5374 - N5574 - T6574 - T6674 - N5674 - N5474 - D6474
A75 D6375 - N5375 - N5575 - T6575 - T6675 - N5675 - N5475 - D6475
A76 D6376 - N5376 - N5576 - T6576 - T6676 - N5676 - N5476 - D6476
A77 D6377 - N5377 - N5577 - T6577 - T6677 - N5677 - N5477 - D6477
A78 D6378 - N5378 - N5578 - T6578 - T6678 - N5678 - N5478 - D6478
A80 D6380 - N5380 - N5580 - T6580 - T6680 - N5680 - N5480 - D6480 Built as replacement for A2, which was scrapped after being damaged by acid spill during transfer to China
H1 OD6901 - ONL5951 - ON5901 - OD6902 UGL Rail Eveleigh Prototype OSCAR H Set
H2 OD6903 - ONL5952 - ON5902 - OD6904
H3 OD6905 - ONL5953 - ON5903 - OD6906 First H Set to enter service
H4 OD6907 - ONL5954 - ON5904 - OD6908 Former ATP testing vehicle.
H5 OD6909 - ONL5955 - ON5905 - OD6910 Former ATP testing vehicle.
H6 OD6911 - ONL5956 - ON5906 - OD6912
H7 OD6913 - ONL5957 - ON5907 - OD6914
H8 OD6915 - ONL5958 - ON5908 - OD6916
H9 OD6917 - ONL5959 - ON5909 - OD6918
H10 OD6919 - ONL5960 - ON5910 - OD6920
H11 OD6923 - ONL5961 - ON5911 - OD6924
H12 OD6925 - ONL5962 - ON5912 - OD6926
H13 OD6927 - ONL5963 - ON5913 - OD6928
H14 OD6929 - ONL5964 - ON5914 - OD6930
H15 OD6931 - ONL5965 - ON5915 - OD6932
H16 OD6933 - ONL5966 - ON5916 - OD6934
H17 OD6935 - ONL5967 - ON5917 - OD6936
H18 OD6937 - ONL5968 - ON5918 - OD6938
H19 OD6939 - ONL5969 - ON5919 - OD6940
H20 OD6941 - ONL5970 - ON5920 - OD6942
H21 OD6943 - ONL5971 - ON5921 - OD6944
H22 OD6945 - ONL5972 - ON5922 - OD6946
H23 OD6947 - ONL5973 - ON5923 - OD6948
H24 OD6949 - ONL5974 - ON5924 - OD6950
H25 OD6951 - ONL5975 - ON5925 - OD6952
H26 OD6953 - ONL5976 - ON5926 - OD6954
H27 OD6955 - ONL5977 - ON5927 - OD6956
H28 OD6957 - ONL5978 - ON5928 - OD6958
H29 OD6959 - ONL5979 - ON5929 - OD6960
H30 OD6961 - ONL5980 - ON5930 - OD6962
H31 OD6963 - ONL5981 - ON5931 - OD6964
H32 OD6965 - ONL5982 - ON5932 - OD6966
H33 OD6967 - ONL5983 - ON5933 - OD6968
H34 OD6969 - ONL5984 - ON5934 - OD6970
H35 OD6971 - ONL5985 - ON5935 - OD6972
H36 OD6973 - ONL5986 - ON5936 - OD6974
H37 OD6975 - ONL5987 - ON5937 - OD6976
H38 OD6977 - ONL5988 - ON5938 - OD6978
H39 OD6979 - ONL5989 - ON5939 - OD6980
H40 OD6981 - ONL5990 - ON5940 - OD6982
H41 OD6983 - ONL5991 - ON5941 - OD6984
H42 OD6985 - ONL5992 - ON5942 - OD6986
H43 OD6987 - ONL5993 - ON5943 - OD6988
H44 OD6989 - ONL5994 - ON5944 - OD6990
H45 OD6991 - ONL5995 - ON5945 - OD6992
H46 OD6993 - ONL5996 - ON5946 - OD6994
H47 OD6995 - ONL5997 - ON5947 - OD6996
H48 OD6997 - ONL5998 - ON5948 - OD6998
H49 OD6921 - ONL5999 - ON5949 - OD6922
H50 OD6843 - ONL5871 - ON5821 - OD6844
H51 OD6845 - ONL5872 - ON5822 - OD6846 Set involved in collision with Toyota Hilux at Unanderra.
H52 OD6847 - ONL5873 - ON5823 - OD6848
H53 OD6849 - ONL5874 - ON5824 - OD6850
H54 OD6851 - ONL5875 - ON5825 - OD6852
H55 OD6853 - ONL5876 - ON5826 - OD6854 OD6853 and ONL5876 with 2019 "Koori Knockout" Aboriginal-styled decals

Final H-Set delivered

M1 D1001 - N1501 - N1502 - D1002 EDI Rail (formerly Eveleigh) Set has inside of doors coloured grey instead of white
M2 D1003 - N1503 - N1504 - D1004
M3 D1005 - N1505 - N1506 - D1006 First M Set to enter service
M4 D1007 - N1507 - N1508 - D1008
M5 D1009 - N1509 - N1510 - D1010
M6 D1011 - N1511 - N1512 - D1012
M7 D1013 - N1513 - N1514 - D1014
M8 D1015 - N1515 - N1516 - D1016
M9 D1017 - N1517 - N1518 - D1018
M10 D1019 - N1519 - N1520 - D1020
M11 D1021 - N1521 - N1522 - D1022
M12 D1023 - N1523 - N1524 - D1024
M13 D1025 - N1525 - N1526 - D1026
M14 D1041 - N1527 - N1528 - D1028 D1027 replaced by D1041 due to damage from a shunting incident in 2011
M15 D1029 - N1529 - N1530 - D1030
M16 D1031 - N1531 - N1532 - D1032
M17 D1034 - N1534 - N1535 - D1035
M18 D1036 - N1536 - N1537 - D1037
M19 D1037 - N1537 - N1538 - D1038
M20 D1039 - N1539 - N1540 - D1540
M21 D1043 - N1543 - N1544 - D1044
M22 D1045 - N1545 - N1546 - D1046
M23 D1047 - N1547 - N1548 - D1048
M24 D1049 - N1549 - N1550 - D1050
M25 D1051 - N1551 - N1552 - D1052
M26 D1052 - N1526 - N1527 - D1053
M27 D1055 - N1555 - N1556 - D1056
M28 D1057 - N1557 - N1558 - D1058 Former ATP test train
M29 D1059 - N1559 - N1560 - D1060
M30 D1062 - N1562 - N1563 - D1063 Ran last revenue service for the Carlingford Line on 4 January 2020
M31 D1064 - N1564 - N1565 - D1065
M32 D1066 - N1566 - N1567 - D1067
M33 D1068 - N1568 - N1569 - D1069
M34 D1070 - N1570 - N1571 - D1071
M35 D1072 - N1572 - N1573 - D1073
T1 D6105 - N5105 - N5106 - D6106 Goninan Mortdale D6148 replaced D6106 after 2009 Homebush derailment. D6106 was stripped for spare parts before being repaired and reinstated. Permanently coupled to T104
T2 D6119 - N5119 - N5141 - D6141 Permanently coupled to T4
T3 D6253 - N5253 - N5254 - D6254 Permanently coupled to T127
T4 D6136 - N5136 - N5137 - D6137 Permanently coupled to T2
T5 D6118 - N5118 - N5140 - D6140 Permanently coupled to T53
T6 D6175 - N5175 - N5146 - D6176 Permanently coupled to T34
T7 D6191 - N5191 - N5192 - D6192 Permanently coupled to T48
T8 D6217 - N5217 - N5218 - D6218
T9 D6219 - N5219 - N5220 - D6220 Permanently coupled to T16
T10 D6221 - N5221 - N5222 - D6222 Set involved in January 2014 derailment at Edgecliff, with detached guard rail piercing through floor of N5222. Permanently coupled to T63
T11 D6163 - N5163 - N5164 - D6164 Ex T82. Permanently coupled to T24
T12 D6247 - N5247 - N5248 - D6248 Permanently coupled to T65
T13 D6252 - N5249 - N5250 - D6250 Carriage D6249 replaced by D6252 (ex T14/T121). Former ATP testing vehicle. Permanently coupled to T121
T14 D6251 - N5251 - N5854 - D6808 N5252 and D6252 swapped with D6808 and N5854 from T121. Permanently coupled to T109
T15 D6239 - N5239 - N5240 - D6240 Permanently coupled to T50
T16 D6108 - N5241 - N5242 - D6242 D6108 replacing D6241 which was written off and stripped for spare parts Permanently coupled to T9
T17 D6243 - N5243 - N5244 - D6244 Permanently coupled to T122
T18 D6121 - N5121 - N5122 - D6122 Permanently coupled to T77
T19 D6146 - N5176 - N5285 - D6285 D6285 and N5285 replaced D6127 and N5127, which were both written off after 1989 Wentworthville derailment. Permanently coupled to T35
T20 D6101 - N5101 - N5102 - D6102 First T Set to enter service. Permanently coupled to T67
T21 D6120 - N5120 - N5142 - D6142 Permanently coupled to T78
T22 D6109 - N5109 - N5112 - D6112 Permanently coupled to T126
T23 D6177 - N5177 - N5178 - D6178 Ex T85, Permanently coupled to T33
T24 D6147 - N5147 - N5148 - D6289 D6289 replacing D6148 for unknown reasons. Permanently coupled to T11
T25 D6149 - N5149 - N5150 - D6150 Permanently coupled to T86
T26 D6151 - N5151 - N5152 - D6152
T27 D6125 - N5125 - N5126 - D6126 Permanently coupled to T97
T28 D6155 - N5155 - N5156 - D6156 Permanently coupled to T80
T29 D6157 - N5157 - N5158 - D6158 Permanently coupled to T81
T30 D6159 - N5159 - N5160 - D6160 Set involved in 2000 Kingsgrove derailment. Permanently coupled to T32
T31 D6161 - N5161 - N5162 - D6162 Permanently coupled to T79
T32 D6167 - N5167 - N5168 - D6168 Permanently coupled to T30
T33 D6165 - N5165 - N5166 - D6166 Permanently coupled to T23
T34 D6169 - N5169 - N5170 - D6170 Permanently coupled to T6
T35 D6179 - N5179 - N5180 - D6180 Permanently coupled to T19
T36 D6181 - N5181 - N5182 - D6182 Permanently coupled to T37
T37 D6183 - N5183 - N5184 - D6184 Permanently coupled to T36
T38 D6185 - N5185 - N5186 - D6186 Permanently coupled to T89
T39 D6187 - N5187 - N5188 - D6188 Permanently coupled to T47
T40 D6129 - N5129 - N5130 - D6130 Inactive set. Permanently coupled to T100
T41 D6189 - N5189 - N5190 - D6190 Permanently coupled to T83
T42 D6211 - N5211 - N5212 - D6249 D6212 replaced by D6249 following 2021 Kembla Grange derailment
T43 D6193 - N5193 - N5194 - D6194 Permanently coupled to T44
T44 D6195 - N5195 - N5196 - D6196 Permanently coupled to T43
T45 D6197 - N5197 - N5198 - D6198 Permanently coupled to T54
T46 D6213 - N5213 - N5214 - D6214 Permanently coupled to T60
T47 D6201 - N5201 - N5202 - D6202 Permanently coupled to T39
T48 D6203 - N5203 - N5204 - D6204 Permanently coupled to T7
T49 D6215 - N5215 - N5216 - D6216 Permanently coupled to T88
T50 D6223 - N5223 - N5224 - D6224 Set involved in August 2019 incident at Town Hall caused by loose roof hatch on carriage D6223. Permanently coupled to T15
T51 D6235 - N5235 - N5236 - D6236 Permanently coupled to T57
T52 D6110 - N5110 - N5111 - D6111 Hornsby Ex T66. Permanently coupled to T73
T53 D6173 - N5173 - N5174 - D6174 Mortdale Ex T84. Last set to receive 2010-2014 interior refresh. Ran with the last Sydney Trains service on the Epping-Chatswood Rail Link, alongside T74. Permanently coupled to T5
T54 D6205 - N5205 - N5206 - D6206 Ex T87. Permanently coupled to T45
T57 D6237 - N5237 - N5238 - D6238 Permanently coupled to T51
T58 D6281 - N5281 - N5282 - D6282 Permanently coupled to T71
T59 D6283 - N5283 - N5284 - D6284 Last suburban T Set built. Permanently coupled to T130, Mostly inactive at MMC.
T60 D6225 - N5225 - N5226 - D6226 Hornsby Motor car N5225 has a slightly louder Chopper Control motor. Permanently coupled to T46
T61 D6227 - N5227 - N5228 - D6228 Mortdale Permanently coupled to T62
T62 D6229 - N5229 - N5230 - D6230 Permanently coupled to T61
T63 D6231 - N5231 - N5232 - D6232 Hornsby Permanently coupled to T10
T64 D6233 - N5233 - N5234 - D6234 Set has slow-to-release braking, causing a loud squeaking sound and a visible shift upwards when starting up. Permanently coupled to T75
T65 D6245 - N5245 - N5246 - D6246 Set has received Waratah inspired gangways between carriages with standard Tangara doors and stickers since 2015. Permanently coupled to T12
T67 D6279 - N5279 - N5280 - D6280 Mortdale Permanently coupled to T20
T68 D6277 - N5277 - N5278 - D6278 Permanently coupled to T125
T69 D6275 - N5275 - N5276 - D6276 Permanently coupled to T70
T70 D6103 - N5103 - N5104 - D6104 Second T Set built. Permanently coupled to T69
T71 D6107 - N5107 - N5108 - D6288 D6288 is replacing D6108 for unknown reasons. Permanently coupled to T58
T72 D6209 - N5209 - N5210 - D6210 Hornsby Second set to receive Tangara Technology Upgrade. Inactive set. Permanently coupled to T106
T73 D6113 - N5113 - N5114 - D6287 D6287 is replacing D6114, which was written off after 1998 Concord West derailment. Permanently coupled to T52
T74 D6115 - N5115 - N5116 - D6116 Mortdale Ran with the last Sydney Trains service on the Epping-Chatswood Rail Link, alongside T53. Former ATP testing set. Permanently coupled to T129
T75 D6117 - N5117 - N5135 - D6135 Hornsby Previously used as a spare set. Permanently coupled to T64
T76 D6123 - N5123 - N5124 - D6124 First suburban Tangara (T Set) to receive 2010 interior refurbishment. Inactive set, permanently coupled to T128
T77 D6131 - N5131 - N5132 - D6132 Mortdale Used as trial set in 2013 for longitudal bench-styled seating. Permanently coupled to T18
T78 D6133 - N5133 - N5134 - D6134 Used as trial set in 2013 for 2x2 seating. Permanently coupled to T21
T79 D6138 - N5138 - N5139 - D6139 Permanently coupled to T31
T80 D6143 - N5143 - N5144 - D6144 Permanently coupled to T28
T81 D6153 - N5153 - N5154 - D6154 Hornsby Permanently coupled to T29
T83 D6171 - N5171 - N5172 - D6172 Mortdale Permanently coupled to T41
T86 D6199 - N5199 - N5200 - D6200 Permanently coupled to T25
T88 D6207 - N5207 - N5208 - D6208 Hornsby Permanently coupled to T49
T89 D6128 - N5128 - N5145 - D6145 Permanently coupled to T38
T90 D6255 - N5255 - N5256 - D6256 Mortdale Permanently coupled to T103
T91 D6257 - N5257 - N5258 - D6258 Hornsby Permanently coupled to T94
T92 D6259 - N5259 - N5260 - D6260 Permanently coupled to T93
T93 D6261 - N5261 - N5262 - D6262 Mortdale Permanently coupled to T92
T94 D6263 - N5263 - N5264 - D6264 Permanently coupled to T91
T95 D6265 - N5265 - N5266 - D6266 Hornsby Permanently coupled to T96
T96 D6267 - N5267 - N5268 - D6268 Mortdale First set to receive new M Set styled lightweight plug doors. Permanently coupled to T95
T97 D6269 - N5269 - N5270 - D6270 Permanently coupled to T27
T98 D6271 - N5271 - N5272 - D6272 Hornsby Permanently coupled to T99
T99 D6273 - N5274 - N5273 - D6286 D6286 replaced D6274, which was written off after Vineyard Level Crossing derailment. Permanently coupled to T98.
T100 D6839 - N5820 - N5870 - D6840 Mortdale Ex T132/G32. Last G Set built. Permanently coupled to T40. Inactive set.
T101 D6815 - N5808 - N5858 - D6816 Ex G1. Permanently coupled to T102
T102 D6801 - N5801 - N5856 - D6812 Mortdale Ex G10. Permanently coupled to T101
T103 D6841 - N5812 - N5862 - D6824 Ex G3. Carriage D6823 replaced by D6841 (ex T121). Former ATP testing vehicle. Permanently coupled to T90.
T104 D6825 - N5813 - N5863 - D6826 Mortdale Ex G4. First G Set to be converted to T Set, after 2009 Unanderra derailment. Permanently coupled to T1
T105 D6827 - N5814 - N5864 - D6828 Ex G5. Permanently coupled to T107
T106 D6829 - N5815 - N5865 - D6830 Hornsby Ex G6. First set to receive Tangara Technology Upgrade. Permanently coupled to T72. Inactive set.
T107 D6803 - N5802 - N5852 - D6804 Mortdale Ex T111/G11. Permanently coupled to T105
T108 D6837 - N5819 - N5869 - D6838 Ex G8. Permanently coupled to T110
T109 D6802 - N5851 - N5806 - D6811 Ex G9. Permanently coupled to T14
T110 D6817 - N5809 - N5859 - D6818 Ex T133/G33. Permanently coupled to T108
T121 D6807 - N5804 - N5252 - D6148 Ex G21. First set to receive 2010-2014 interior refresh. D6807 replaced D6841 as of September 2018. D6854 and D6808 swapped with N5252 and D6252 from T14. D6148 is now in place of D6252. Permanently coupled to T13
T122 D6809 - N5805 - N5855 - D6810 Ex G22. Permanently coupled to T17
T125 D6805 - N5803 - N5853 - D6806 Hornsby Ex G25, permanently coupled to T68
T126 D6813 - N5807 - N5857 - D6814 Ex G26, permanently coupled to T22
T127 D6819 - N5810 - N5860 - D6820 Mortdale Ex G27. Permanently coupled to T3
T128 D6821 - N5811 - N5861 - D6822 Hornsby Ex G28. Permanently coupled to T76. Inactive due to TTU upgrades.
T129 D6833 - N5817 - N5867 - D6834 Mortdale Ex G29. Permanently coupled to T74. Used for ATP testing in mid 2023.
T130 D6835 - N5818 - N5868 - D6836 Hornsby Ex G30. Permanently coupled to T59. Used occasionally for ATP testing.
K60 C3510 - T4176 - T4200 - C3534 Flemington
K61 C3517 - T4175 - T4236 - C3570
K62 C3505 - T4171 - T4196 - C3530
K63 C3526 - T4192 - T4188 - C3515
K64 C3519 - T4173 - T4194 - C3528
K65 C3537 - T4183 - T4197 - C3531
K66 C3546 - T4212 - T4178 - C3512
K67 C3529 - T4203 - T4215 - C3549
K68 C3513 - T4179 - T4208 - C3542
K69 C3507 - T4185 - T4186 - C3520
K70 C3547 - T4195 - T4182 - C3516
K71 C3544 - T4210 - T4174 - C3508
K72 C3506 - T4172 - T4211 - C3545
K73 C3543 - T4209 - T4206 - C3540
K74 C3541 - T4207 - T4198 - C3532 Ran last Carlingford Line K set roster on 3 January 2020.
K75 C3518 - T4184 - T4201 - C3535
K76 C3548 - T4214 - T4205 - C3539
K77 C3527 - T4193 - T4180 - C3514
K78 C3522 - T4181 - T4190 - C3524
K79 C3538 - T4204 - T4199 - C3533
K80 C3511 - T4177 - T4202 - C3536
K81 C3521 - T4187 - T4189 - C3523
K82 C3554 - T4220 - T4238 - C3572
K83 C3525 - T4191 - T4213 - C3509
K84 C3559 - T4225 - T4229 - C3563
K85 C3565 - T4231 - T4230 - C3564 Temporarily withdrawn after fire on trailer car T4231. Set has since been repaired and brought back to service.
K86 C3552 - T4218 - T4243 - C3580
K87 C3574 - T4240 - T4245 - C3579
K88 C3578 - T4244 - T4217 - C3551
K89 C3553 - T4237 - T4224 - C3558
K90 C3568 - T4234 - T4223 - C3557
K91 C3576 - T4242 - T4232 - C3566 Ex K98
K92 C3569 - T4235 - T4226 - C3560
K93 C3555 - T4221 - T4227 - C3561
K94 C3575 - T4241 - T4216 - C3550 Set operated Paul Mac's "Tekno Train". C3550, T4216 & T4241 modified to carry larger music speakers and had lighting upgrades. C3575 remained as a standard car to allow for passengers wishing for a more quieter trip.
K95 C3571 - T4219 - T4239 - C3573
K96 C3567 - T4233 - T4222 - C3556 ATP testing set.
K97 C3577 - T4246 - T4228 - C3562
K98 C3501 - D4096 - D4097 - C3502 Merged from two car sets K1 and K2
K99 C3503 - D4098 - D4099 - C3504 Merged from two car sets K3 and K4
V1 DIM8065 - DIT9159 - DIT9164 - DIM8083 Comeng First V Set to receive NSW TrainLink livery
V2 DIM8072 - DCT9042 - DIT9106 - DIM8054 DET9216 swapped for DCT9042 from V25 in September 2020
V3 DIM8057 - DIT9124 - DIT9167 - DIM8084
V4 DIM8086 - DIT9170 - DIT9138 - DIM8089
V5 DIM8051 - DIT9150 - DIT9155 - DIM8068
V6 DIM8085 - DIT9126 - DIT9165 - DIM8080
V7 DIM8087 - DIT9161 - DIT9160 - DIM8082
V8 DIM8092 - DIT9128 - DIT9132 - DIM8090
V9 DIM8069 - DIT9158 - DIT9121 - DIM8076
V10 DIM8044 - DIT9119 - DIT9137 - DIM8073
V11 DIM8091 - DIT9110 - DIT9108 - DIM8063
V12 DIM8053 - DIT9111 - DIT9102 - DIM8071
V13 DIM8046 - DIT9120 - DIT9171 - DIM8043
V14 DIM8079 - DIT9169 - DIT9136 - DIM8062
V15 DIM8049 - DIT9166 - DIT9112 - DIM8061
V16 DIM8078 - DIT9104 - DIT9182 - DIM8055
V17 DIM8066 - DIT9178 - DIT9114 - DIM8088
V18 DIM8056 - DCT9044 - DIT9143 - DIM8064
V19 DIM8047 - DIT9175 - DIT9107 - DIM8074
V20 DIM8045 - DTD9035 - DTD9033 - DIM8059
V21 DTM8036 - DTD9036 - DCT9032 - DCM8032 Oldest V Set in service, with all carriages in the consist entering service in 1977. DCT9032 and DCM8032 are the oldest V Set carriages currently in service. Set was also involved in Glenbrook train disaster
V22 DIM8058 - DCT9043 - DCT9038 - DIM8042
V23 DIM8052 - DIT9152 - DIT9162 - DIM8075
V24 DIM8070 - DIT9118 - DIT9142 - DIM8050
V25 DIM8041 - DET9216 - DCT9039 - DIM8039 DCT9042 swapped for DET9216 from V2 in September 2020. DET9216 is ex DCT9034
V26 DIM8081 - DIT9105 - DCT9037 - DIM8077
V27 DIM8038 - DCT9031 - DCT9040 - DIM8040 Previously used as a spare set
V28 DJM8114 - DIT9129 - DIT9183 - DJM8111
V29 DKM8145 - DKT9191 - DIT9184 - DJM8125 DKT9191 and DKM8145 were the last V Set carriages built, entering service in 1989.
V30 DJM8099 - DIT9163 - DIT9149 - DJM8096
V31 DJM8137 - DIT9153 - DIT9130 - DJM8138 Last set converted from original candy livery
V32 DJM8103 - DIT9151 - DIT9156 - DJM8104
V33 DJM8109 - DIT9177 - DIT9144 - DJM8110
V34 DJM8135 - DIT9101 - DIT9117 - DJM8095
V35 DJM8136 - DIT9168 - DIT9134 - DJM8102
V36 DJM8097 - DIT9125 - DIT9154 - DJM8098
V37 DJM8106 - DIT9141 - DIT9181 - DJM8101
V38 DJM8120 - DIT9103 - DIT9186 - DKM8140
V39 DJM8130 - DIT9133 - DIT9146 - DJM8126
V40 DKM8141 - DKT9187 - DKT9190 - DKM8144 DKT9187 and DKM8141 swapped with DIT9147 and DJM8113 from V48. Newest V Set in service, with all carriages entering service in 1989.
V41 DJM8116 - DIT9157 - DIT9116 - DJM8108
V42 DJM8094 - DIT9123 - DIT9139 - DJM8105
V43 DJM8112 - DIT9140 - DIT9176 - DJM8122
V44 DKM8142 - DKT9188 - DIT9148 - DJM8115 Last V Set to receive NSW TrainLink livery
V45 DKM8143 - DKT9189 - DIT9109 - DJM8124
V46 DJM8132 - DIT9172 - DKT9185 - DKM8139
V47 DJM8131 - DIT9122 - DIT9179 - DJM8100
V48 DJM8113 - DIT9147 - DIT9115 - DJM8129 DIT9147 and DJM8113 swapped with DKM8141 and DKT9187 from V40
V49 DJM8118 - DIT9135 - DIT9145 - DJM8093
V50 DJM8119 - DIT9113 - DIT9174 - DJM8117
V51 DJM8133 - DIT9180 - DIT9173 - DJM8123 Ex V27
N1 TE2801 - LE2851 ABB Transportation Broadmeadow Set with NSW TrainLink livery
N2 TE2802 - LE2852 Set with NSW TrainLink livery
N3 TE2803 - LE2853 Involved in collision with M14 in Eveleigh Yard in 2011.
N4 TE2804 - LE2854
N5 TE2805 - LE2855
N6 TE2806 - LE2856 Eveleigh
N7 TE2807 - LE2857
N8 TE2808 - LE2858
N9 TE2809 - LE2859
N10 TE2810 - LE2860
N11 TE2811 - LE2861
N12 TE2812 - LE2862
N13 TE2813 - LE2863 Set seen in the movie, Peter Rabbit
N14 TE2814 - LE2864
J1 HM2701 - HMT2751 UGL Rail Broadmeadow
J2 HM2702 - HMT2752
J3 HM2703 - HMT2753
J4 HM2704 - HMT2754
J5 HM2705 - HMT2755
J6 HM2706 - HMT2756
J7 HM2707 - HMT2757 First Hunter set in NSW TrainLink livery
D43 DD9743 - DN8543 - DND8343 - DDA9343 Hyundai Rotem Kangy Angy
D44 DD9744 - DN8544 - DND8344 - DDA9344
D49 DD9749 - DN8549 - DND8349 - DDA9349
D51 DD9751 - DN8551 - DND8351 - DDA9351
D53 DD9753 - DN8553 - DND8353 - DDA9353 First D sets to enter service, along with D54
D54 DD9754 - DN8554 - DND8354 - DDA9354 First D sets to enter service, along with D53