Hi all,
Since the tragic "accident" of my bitch of a wife being run over by a train, I have been somewhat lost. This is why I ALWAYS turn to the maps of the NSW train lines to help me find my way. Since the passing, I have confided in visiting as many stations as I can. So far I have visited 41% of all the train stations in all of NSW. I apologise to all of those that see that as rookie numbers but I only began 2 months ago. I hope to one day bring this number up to above the 75% mark. it will be done. I look forward to the rest of my life, the doctor says I am only looking at 2 more years due to my high cholesterol but I have found peace with that. I can live knowing I have 2 years without my stupid, bitch of a wife. Thank you all for taking a peak at what I have to say. no one listens to me anymore. not even my freeloading asshole son. where did I go wrong? anyway I've been making heaps of NSW train lego.
Truly, from my heart
- Big Keith